Friday, January 27, 2006



Here's the deal abotu Bassetville. He started off cute, went off on a strange tangent and is now back to cute. If you like dogs, especially Basset Hounds, then you're going to love this comic. If you don't like dogs, well, you won't like this comic.

If you're curious, I'd start reading the archives, but there's no need.


Able and Baker by Jim Burgess - Updated every weekday.

Able and Baker by Jim Burgess - Updated every weekday.

I just started reading this one, so the jury is still out, but I'm testing out how the Blogger button works on my Google toolbar.

So far, so good!

Have a great day!


Friday, January 20, 2006


So, I do a review of Games Made Me and they are now no more. I'm bummed because I thought it was a good comic.

I'm scouring the web for more comics to recommend, so stay tuned.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, I've changed the background and some of the images on the blog. Tell me what you think!

Have a funny day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Penny and Aggie

So, I was checking out different comic sites and I ran across Penny and Aggie. The comic started back in September, 2004 -- at least according to the archives on their website. It is totally a serialized account of two high schoolers -- Penny and Aggie. These two girls don't like each other and they circle each other like two heynas.

It isn't a very funny comic, but it is nicely drawn. I like the storyline as it has very good writing. A couple of the characters, Karen and Sara are a little too closely drawn -- at least to my eyes. If you like the continuing story webcomic, you will like Penny and Aggie.


Monday, January 16, 2006

On the Rocks...

Are you laughing out loud, because you should be. This comic is new -- just started in June, 2005. Right now, it's in the middle of a storyline, so you will definitely want to read through the archives.

The comic stars Wally -- a polar bear -- and Osbourne -- a penguin -- who are pals living in the Antarctica and it follows their adventures. Probably the best part of this comic is the commentary written by the author. He gives facts - in an entertaining way - about Antarcitca, polar bears and penguins.

If you haven't checked this comic out, do so soon.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

American Eskimo Dog Buttons...

For a limited time, I Love My American Eskimo Dog buttons are available. If you love your Eskie (and I know you do), please buy one. Only $2.00 each and that includes shipping and handling.

Help keep the Eskie Lover site free! Buy a button today!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Imaginary Friends

This is a cool comic. The drawing style is different -- paper characters on real backgrounds, but that's not makes it cool. What makes it cool is the interaction between Jeff and his two sons, Brian and Davey. If you're just starting, make sure you read all of the archives. It is well worth it. This is a comic you have to be in for the long haul. It isn't usually a gag a comic. It is telling a whole story.
I've "stolen" this comic from the site, sorry Darren, hope you don't mind. It's my favorite one. Here's the setup, Davey is looking for his brother Brian who's disappeared in the mall. Davey wants a Bubble Babie, but he was too shy to ask Santa when they stood in line. Anyway, it made me laugh out loud. I hope it does the same for you.

So, check out this comic -- it is definitely worth your time!


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Games Made Me

I am happy to report that Games Made Me will be back. In just a few days, they will have new comics up. I'm so happy! I love their comic. It's funny, it's cute and it's one punchline. You don't have to play every video game to like this comic, but it helps! So, check them out and tell them I sent you!


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Anywhere But Here

Okay, the drawing is a little reminiscent of Doonesbury and the story can be a little tedious, but I really like this comic. I just found it the other day and I have been reading the archives. I don't think I'm even half way through them, but hey, that's the fun of an online comic!

You should take the time to check it out.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I should note right from the get-go that I have absolutely no artistic (in the drawing sense) talent. I should, also, note that I don't really know anyone who draws an online comic -- well, I've become buds of sort with Darren Pillsbury of Imaginary Friends, but that's just because he has taken pity on me and David Wright of Todd and Penguin and I have exchanged a few emails until he realized he has a life. :-)

Anyway, I could blame my upbringing for my webcomic obsession, but I don't like to point fingers.

So, since I have no talent for drawing (even though I have a hell of a good story I'd like to make into a web comic), I thought I can still write about them. Point out some new ones and maybe give a little exprosure to some little known comics.

I encourage any and all readers out there to send in their choices for a comic that I should review here.

See ya in the Funnies...
