Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I have the best friends...

Last night, I'm talking with my sister-in-law, Robyn, who is married to my brother, Scott. She mentions to me that my sister-in-law, Tara, (who is married to my brother, Brian) is participating in the Breast Cancer Walk -- the one for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation -- in Chicago in September. So, Robyn tells me that Tara is planning on sending out a notice to all our family members, so I get the information together and send an email to all of my friends -- and who is the first to respond? Darren Pillsbury of Imaginary Friends. He has even offered to put a link on his site to the donation site!

Thanks so much, Darren!

So, if you would like to donate to this worthy cause in my sister-in-law's name, click this link. Or, go to the website: www.the3day.org. Click on Donate. On the left side, choose Chicago. Under Participant's Name, enter Tara Totsch and hit search. Visit the link to donate in Tara's name.

Thanks in advance!

Till next time!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Church Mice

So, here's the deal, I'm reading Imaginary Friends and Darren links to a review of his site by some guy name Peter, who writes a Weekly Webcomic Review that doesn't update weekly. (Still with me?) Anyway, Peter writes a review I don't totally agree with about Imaginary Friends and mentions Church Mice. So, I check out Church Mice and I've like what I've seen.

The comic is nicely drawn, but more than that, it is a comic that I can read to my mother -- if my mother was a Christian or found adult things offensive. Anyway, I'm off track. It's Christian without being overly preachy. Being a Christian myself, there are times when I appreciate being able to read a good comic without having to worry about the nature of its contents.

So, take the time to check out Church Mice. Apparently, the above comic will automatically update, so that's pretty cool. Plus, the author allows free reproductions of his comics in church bulletins, which I think is cool.

So, until next time!


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Monday, February 20, 2006

Bassetville revisited

My life just gets cooler and cooler. Bryan, the artist of Bassetville, just dropped me an email thanking me for my review. Anyway, he did point out an interesting tidbit. I wrote:

"If you're curious, I'd start reading the archives, but there's no need."

Now, that could be taken as their is no need to read through the archives, because the storyline is easily followed, but it could also be taken as no need to read the comic. I just want to apoligize to Bryan for any misleading I did, as I meant the first, as opposed to the latter.

Anyway, Bassetville is a terrific comic and a worthwhile read.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

circle nine

Well, I was going to write about a little comic called "Best in Show." But, I received an email from the artist of Circl e Nine -- from the artist! How cool is that? Okay, it isn't THAT cool, but someday this guy Anthony could be world famous and then you're all going to wish he wrote you an email. Plus, anyone who gives me the blog address of their "proudly half-assed comix" is pretty cool in my book.

So, I checked the comix out and I didn't really get it, but since I'm not the hippest gal in the world, I'm going to pretend I did! I think you should take the time to check this one out!


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this "webcomic". Somedays, I think it's pretty good and other days, I hate it.

But, I'm sure there are lots of people out there that will not be offended by their version of the Bible. You have to be pretty open-minded.

