Thursday, September 28, 2006

A little bit of news...

So, I'm surfing the web and I come across a blog that mentions a new toon -- TOON IT UP -- which started 9/8/2006 (okay, I'm a little slow). Anyway, I went and checked it out and it looks pretty good. It just started, so now would be the time to start reading it. Plus, who wouldn't want to read about a guitar, microphone and and amp?

Second, TOON IT UP links to Least I Could Do, which has a new doo, I mean, design. It's sharp, nice colors and not so many distractions and the comic is bigger, so take the time to go and check it out.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Off Chance

I can't even begin to describe this comic. It's two guys living in a house with a dead, hippie ghost and, well, this monster living in the fridge. Even though I can't descibe it, I have to tell ya, I'm hooked. I want to know what's going to happen next.

Got some time? Start reading the archives, but if you don't have time, then at leas
t start from the below comic. If you start where the storyline is right now, you won't know what's going on.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Paul Taylor and family...

I found an entry at about Paul Taylor and his newborn:
"Paul Taylor. Paul’s first child was born a month prematurely on Aug. 16, and he has required an extended hospital stay. Paul and his wife have been through quite an ordeal — which continues to this day.

Extended hospital stays turn into extended hospital bills, so we’d like to help our friend. Several BLC members and friends are auctioning off original art and other amazing items over the next two weeks. The money made from these auctions will be donated directly to Paul Taylor and his family."

So, is holding an auction. I'd contribute something, but I can't draw worth a damn, so the best I can do is post about it. And, donate over at Paul's site:

Anyway, please take the time to donate.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Darren's cousin...

Hi, I am still playing catchup from being gone last week and over at Imaginary Friends, I saw the following post:

On a serious note: a cousin of mine came down with a bad stomach virus on Monday. REALLY bad. They had to take her to the hospital. It seems her kidneys went into shock and shut down, and now there's some question of whether they will begin functioning again. She's only 20 years old.

Like I said above, if you're of any religious belief or creed - Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, or anything else - could you say a prayer for her? And if you're not religious, or if you're agnostic or athiest, just wish her well for me, would you? Send her out some positive thoughts, luck, and energy.

Please keep her in your prayers.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I know what you're thinking...

You're thinking, "why doesn't she post a review?" Well, I'm on vacation this week, I'm starting school and I'm just way behind on my comic reading right now.

So, let me give you some comic thoughts...

First, if you haven't signed up for CAD Premium, I suggest that you do. Episode 8 is halarious and worth the price of admission!

Second, if you haven't read the online comic I suggest you rewind the archives and start reading it. Especially now, because it looks as if Charles has changed his layout and is changing around the comic.

Third, I've mentioned this comic before, but it's always worth a second look, The Mows. Three cats, three different points of view, one very funny comic.

Fourth, On The Rocks has changed to Wally and Osbourne and it is still well worth the read!

Finally, I'm sure everyone saw the news that Steve Irwin died yesterday. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and children.