Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cruising the Web Comics...

Okay, by now you know the drill, I just warp around the Internet and try to see what I can find. Today, I found the following comics. I know nothing about them and I haven't even read them. They just looked good, so I thought I'd link to them!

Cartridge Comics



Two Steps Back



Happy Reading!

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As many of you know, I have twin grandsons. Just thought you'd like to check them out. They have been here since last Wednesday and they're leaving today, which makes me sad. Alex actually cried when I left the house this morning to go to work!


Monday, October 30, 2006


I'm not even done reading the archives, but this is a really good comic. It's about a group of zoo animals who end up working in IT and it is laugh out loud funny! It's so funny that I haven't bothered even looking for a pretty graphic to post here! It's so funny I'm not even done reading the archives and here I am writing about it so you can go and check it out!!!!

Go, now, run my friends and check this comic out!!! ZooDotCom! You will laugh your butt off! I feel mine getting smaller right now!

Happy Reading!

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Multiplex turns 100!!!

Multiplex posted their 100th strip today!!!! Yea!!!! Here's to 100 more!!! Plus, you have to see it, it is really funny.

Oh and Gordon announced that for the next few weeks, he'll be posting guest strips on Wednesdays and Fridays, so that's cool!

Happy Reading!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

44 Union Avenue

Okay, everyone knows that I like fluffy, laugh out loud comics. They are usually my favorite. I don't want to read dark, deep issues, I leave that to the part of my brain that writes my political blog, Top of My Head.

That being said, I just finished reading the archives of 44 Union Avenue and it is terrific. I really love it.

Oh, did I mention it is a fluffy, laugh out loud comic?

Here's the story so far...

Cheryl Ann works as a parental advice columnist. She's raising her two children, Jasper and Jessie, all by herself. The funniest comics by far are the ones where she's giving a good piece of advice to a parent and bam! Jasper makes her eat her words. The family includes a dog -- Jack -- who is, like most talking dogs in comics -- a thorn in everybody's side, while being completely lovable. (You know what I mean.)

So, got a minute, read this comic.

Happy Reading!

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dueling Analogs...

I know that I have reviewed Dueling Analogs before, but since Steve has posted his 100th comic, I just wanted to offer congrats! So, Congrats, Steve!

Also, you have got to check this comic out, as I wish I had this much talent to deal with hate comments/email. I don't receive hate comments/email on this site, but on one of my other blogs I do and right now I have a particular nasty anonymous critic and I wish I could put him in this kind of perspective! :-) So, Congrats, Steve on your nicely done response.

In honor of Steve's 100th comic, he will be posting two more comic responses to hate comments. So, be sure to check them out!

Happy Reading!

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Okay, you all know that I really don't like those long storyline dark comics, BUT every so often I spot one that looks impressive. And, Cy-Boar looks pretty impressive. The drawing is very interesting, dark without being too dark and whomever is the artist is very talented.

So, here's my advice -- you like those storyline, dark comics -- read Cy-Boar. I believe that it won't steer you wrong.

Happy Reading!

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Adam and Andy

I was traveling on the Information Super Highway, when I ran across a comic called Adam and Andy. I've read quite a few gay-themed comics and most of them (a notable exception is Mousewax and that isn't really what I would call a gay comic) have some strange bent, like Lesbian Vampires or Demons or something else I wouldn't read no matter who wrote it.

Adam and Andy is a beautiful exception to the gay comic must equate strange situations. These two forty-something guys live in a happy married state -- complete with the ups and downs of real life love. The artwork is reminiscent of comics of the fifties with the clean lines. The archives leave something to be desired, however, but since the artist, James Asal, has put together a collection of the first four years, that is understandable.

Bottom line -- love the artwork, love the storylines. Take a moment to read this comic.

Happy Reading!

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Found It!!! -- Nothing Better!

Of course, now that I found it, I can't remember what I had been planning on saying about it! I like this comic.

I should mention that the artist, Tyler Page, is a guy. Why do I mention this? Well, because I'm always surprised when guys get girls right. Know what I mean? The two main characters, Katt and Jane, are more than just hysterical girls. They have depth and dimension. Each page is well done.

Tyler was -- guessing from the archives -- completing a chapter at a time. Now, he's in a page a week format. The comic is well drawn and the storyline keeps you interested. He's created an interesting supporting cast, as well.

This is one comic where you are definitely going to want to read the archives to get yourself up to date, but it is well worth the read. It's almost like reading a movie, if you know what I mean. The way the dialogue flows and the pages are set up.

Very impressive.

Happy Reading!

PS. Blogger and I are fighting and I can't get the picture logo to upload. If I can later, I'll post it.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

I hate when that happens...

And now for some news...

Last week, I discovered a really good comic -- less than a year old -- about two girls who go to a Lutheran College in the midwest. One is an atheist and the other a Christian. It's nicely written, nicely drawn and I read through all the archives with every intention of giving it a nice review and guess what? I've lost the link. I can't remember the title, except that it's like something and then Happens. I don't know. Anyway, leave me a comment or email me and let me know if you know the name and link for the comic.

Please Rewind and Life on Pause have both called it quits!!!! I am so bummed, I can't even tell you about it!

Imaginary Friends is on hitatus until Nov. 13th and, Darren, I'm holding you to that date!

Yesterday, despite the fact that I'm way behind on homework, I found a bunch of new comics. So, now, I'm reading archives and trying to write reviews for them. You'll see the first of these reviews tomorrow.

Happy Reading!

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Friday, October 20, 2006


Imo is a nicely drawn comic. I'm not sure what exactly it is about, as it has been around since 2005, but didn't start updating truly regularly until the artist, Coralie Coelsch, joined the Lazy Grind and began updating three days a week. What it looks like is a single woman, alone in the big city who owns a record shop. The story is a bit slow going, but, since Coralie is in the Lazy Grind, at least it'll be a comic that will be updating regularly. The drawings are very good, so this is one I'm definitely sticking around for.

Happy Reading!

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Gremlins Toxic Takeover

Okay, I'll be honest, I don't get it. The comic didn't start until 9/11/2006, so maybe I just need to be able to read more to understand it, but right now, I don't get it. I'll continue reading, but if you get it, maybe you can explain it to me.

Happy Reading.

PS. No link banner on the site, that's why I haven't posted one.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Canned Ham....

Yes, I know, I haven't finished reviewing the Lazy Grind comics and that was my goal, but I finally have the opportunity to read through the archives of Canned Ham and you have got to read this comic.

First, I wasn't sure about it -- I mean, an out of work monster? Anyway, then, I started reading and I'm pretty hooked, but then I saw the below comic, laughed right out loud and stopped EVERYTHING to write this review.

So, sorry, Phil, I stole your comic, put it up here and didn't ask permission, to everyone else -- YOU'VE GOT TO READ THIS COMIC!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006


I have to be honest, I'm not really into the fantasy/mythical type webcomics like Astorauth. I don't really want long story arcs and have to follow along chapter by chapter. Those are more like comic books and not really my thing.

BUT, if they were my thing, Astorauth would be my favorite. The artistry is wonderful, beautifully shaded and colored. The storyline is well written and nicely done. I'm reading through the archives and I'll probably continue reading this webcomic until the absolute end.

You should give it a try.

Happy Reading!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Favorite Niece...

Caitlen Totsch, my favorite niece, has a cool opportunity to go to Washington D.C. next spring with her class. This is an expensive trip and to help with the costs, the school is planning a fund raiser.

So, if you have some spare cash and want to purchase anything from the below link, that would be great!

Thanks in advance!


Monday, October 09, 2006


I read through the entire archive of Cortland Comics and let me tell you, there were a lot of comics. Cortland is a story about a freelanced graphics designer, Terrence Cortland and the life he leads in Lincoln, Nebaska -- Yeah, I said Nebraska.

Anyway, reading through the archives brought me up on the character development, shown me that Matt Johnson's drawings have improved and taught me that Matt doesn't care too much for critics. (Can you blame him?)

Anyway, it makes for an interesting read with some good storylines. This isn't usually a gag a day comic. No, you need to be invested for the long haul, so I highly recommend reading the archives.

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Lazy Grind

I'm sure you've heard of the Daily Grind, where a bunch of webcomics paid a $20 entrance fee to see who could not miss a daily update. Well, I was surfing around and I found The Lazy Grind. The deal here is that the artist needs to post just three days a week. Interesting.

For my next reviews, I plan on checking out some of the comics at The Lazy Grind and reviewing them.

Happy Reading!

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Witch Doctor

Hey, just found another comic -- Witch Doctor. I haven't read it, but I have posted it's link over to the right. Now, it is a R-rated comic, which means, all of you have stopped reading my review and clicked on the Witch Doctor link, haven't you?

I'll be reviewing it soon, after I finish reading the archives.

I'm now blogging all to myself.

It's okay, I know you'll stop back sometime next week!

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MySpace Sucks!!!

My Space Sucks!

At exactly 1638 CST TODAY, I attempted to view my My Space inbox and -- guess what -- I get an error message:
Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.

This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.

Okay, fine, I can't access my inbox, but I see I have a new friend request, click and boom:
Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.

This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.

This again!

Maybe, MySpace is just too big for all the people who want to use it. I understand the all the fuss, but man, why am I not hearing about any complaints? Am I the only MySpace user who can't get to MySpace?!?


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Yesterday, I was reading some comics, flipping from page to page and I decided to check out my sponsor link over at Theater Hopper. Yep, there it was, surrounded by his other sponsors in living black and white and a sonogram is present?

Well, I love babies, so I had to read the post. Well, just blow me away, Tom and his wife, Cami, are expecting a little boy Brazelton. Isn't that cool?

Being a big mouth, I sent Tom a congrats email and he answered me, which leads me to my musings today.

Nearly every webcomic artist I have reviewed, discussed or emailed has emailed me back. Quite a bit of them actually mentioned my mention of them on their sites. And, that's when it hit me, there's a lot of give and take with webcomic people. It's like being a part of a large, spread out family. You rarely see political blogs with a guest writer, but you often see webcomics with an artist filling in for a vacation or illness or just because. You rarely see a book's website mention the small review it received on a blog, but you often will see an artist thanking so and so for the mention.

Now, I've only been writing blogs for a relatively short while. I've been lucky to discuss comics and life in general with a lot of different guys (Bryan from Bassetville, Darren from Imaginary Friends, Brandon from Mousewax and the list goes on and on). Anyway, I must be feeling sappy, because I thought I'd just write a quick blog on how close the webcomic community is and what I really want to say, is thanks for letting me join in, even though I can't draw a straight line.


PS. God, I'm such a sap!

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New Comic Alert!!!!! The Eufos

Hey, check it out, a new comic!  The Eufos is a comic about an alien who falls in love with an Earthling and their adventures as a "married" (I'm not sure if they're married or just living together) couple.

Brand spanking new, just started 9/29.

Happy Reading!

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Male Bathroom Etiquette

For my male readers, I direct your attention today to Ctrl-Alt-Del where Tim has posted a You Tube video on Male Restroom Etiquette.  Being female, it explained a lot to me I didn't know.

So, today, head on over to Tim's blog and check it out.

Happy Viewing!