Monday, March 30, 2009

Manson Family

I'm all for showing people compassion.  I'm all for giving people a second chance.  But, there are just some crimes that are so horrendous that even forty years later, I don't think the criminals who committed them should be shown any compassion.

Apparently, the Manson family members seem to differ. 

Susan Atkins is suffering from terminal cancer.  She has requested -- and been refused -- a compassionate release.  Are you kidding me?  Does she really think that anyone who remembers the horror the Manson family inflicted upon Sharon Tate and the others who died with her would ever think she deserves compassion now?  Actually, I think her terminal illness might actually be a case of justice.  She's almost completely paralyzed and she can't even be placed in a wheelchair.  There is a very small place inside my heart where I think, "Wow, that's a horrible death.  No one should die like that."  And, then I remember that Susan Atkins was the one who wrote Pig on the door in her victims' blood.  Even though I was just a little girl (and living on the other side of the country) and have no first hand memory, the grandmother in me feels for Sharon Tate's mother.  I'll bet she was making plans of holding her grandchild -- the same kind I was making a couple of months ago before Kim had little Nickie.  But, Susan Atkins killed Sharon and her mother's grandmotherly dreams went up in smoke.  And, now Susan Atkins wants to be allowed to go free?  That would be a miscarriage of justice.

Apparently, all of the other Manson family members have seen the errors of their ways and they want to be free.  Tex Watson is reportedly a minister.  Too bad they hadn't seen the error of their ways prior to August of 1969.  Who knows what Sharon Tate's child could've grown to become and for that reason alone, the Manson family should spend all eternity in prison.

God Bless

PS.  Even Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.  Spending their natural lives in prison would be paying back Caesar in my opinion.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I got a email asking me to please review the online comic Tales of Vanima Forest. The email said, "It got elves, and will feature transformers." How can I not check out a comic that has both elves and transformers? Life is just way too short.

This is a epic comic with awesome artwork.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

News for this week...

After being three weeks ahead on my reviews, I've managed to fall a little behind. So, this week will be a big surprise week for reviews! I'll post them as I read them!

I'm thinking, too, since I'm running two different sites (this one and, I might combine them into one. This means you'll get your reviews mixed with a little political comentary. So, watch for the day when I begin the combining.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Small Wonder

Small Wonder is a comic about a boy, Newt, and his skunk, Nigel. If that isn't enough to get you to read this comic, I'm not really sure what it would take. The comic is funny and has poignant moments. I do have a complaint. The archives are missing comics from April 7 to April 28 for last year. I'm not sure if Worth knows this. I'd send him an email, but I didn't see one on the site. Other than that, this comic is not to be missed.
Happy Reading!

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

End of the World

How do I describe End of the World? I've been trying to get through the archives for a very long time. I start reading them, get distracted and can't remember where it was I stopped at. So, I go at them again.
But, not this time. This time I sat down and read through the three years of archives all at once. I was not about to be deterred. This was business. I had a review to write.
The cast stars Brian and Brandt - two guys who live miles apart, but thanks to a cactus named Butch, they're able to be in the same room. Butch can teleport himself and others to different locations.
The artwork is good. The storyline will keep you coming back for more. You've got to check this comic out.
Happy Reading!

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Urban Jungle

David Wilborn has created a terrific strip in Urban Jungle. The strip follows Zack who is a software developer for a large pharmaceutical company. Sounds hilarous, doesn't it? Did I mention that all of Zack's co-workers are animals? When Les -- Zack's supervisor -- fires a hamster, he does it by eating him. If that isn't funny, I really don't know what is. The strip has a small archive, so now is a good time to start reading through it and get in on the fun.

Happy Reading!

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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Week 3/9 - 3/14

I'm liking these Week Ahead posts. How about you? It keeps me organized, which is actually the hardest thing about writing these reviews. I start on one comic and think about the review while reading another webcomic. Pretty soon, I've read a lot, but haven't written one word for a review.

But, I guess you really didn't need to know all that. :-)

Still holding the logo contest, don't forget to send yours in.

Now, the reviews coming up this week are:

Urban Jungle

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Friday, March 06, 2009

i can't draw feet

i can't draw feet is an interesting comic written by Eddie Drury and drawn by Tjin Chong. The comic doesn't have a plot or a storyline. The comic is funny and thoughtful. I'm not even done reading the archives and I had to race to my keyboard in order to write the review. Afterall, what if I get hit by a bus and never got the chance to let you know about this wonderful comic? That would be tragic.
Happy Reading!

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Epiphany Park

Epiphany Park is a comic strip that is about family and politics. The name of the strip comes from the neighborhood the strip's family (Akili, Sasha and N'zinga (Akili and Sasha's daughter). The artwork is very good and the strips range from poignant to funny. This strip is definitely worth checking out.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Do You Work Here?

Do You Work Here? is a nice comic. It is very true to life. The comic follows employees at a Super Mart, which is a large retail store. Now, I've never worked that kind of retail, but I have worked for companies with clueless management -- you know who you are. I have heard customers make the kinds of ridiculous statements they make in Do You Work Here?.

On a side note, for the comic dated 9/29/2008, the blog post said that "The only thing people really deserve is a place to live, food to eat, and freedom from impending death. Anything else is a bonus. You think you deserve a new car? A bigger TV? You don’t. Just shut up and pay your rent." I happen to disagree. My car has nearly 200,000 miles on it and I do thing I deserve a new one. However; I do agree with the New Year comic that 2008 sucked. It was probably one of the worst years I've ever had!

If you work in retail or know someone who does, you should check out this comic. If you buy retail, you should check out this comic.

Happy Reading!

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Week Ahead - Mar 2 - Mar 7

Here are the upcoming reviews for this coming week:

Do You Work Here?
i can't draw feet
Epiphany Park

I'm not done reading the archives of any others to bring you more than three reviews this week. Feel free to email me your suggestions for comic reviews.

As a reminder, I'm still running the Logo contest. When you submit your logo to, please remember to submit the logo for your website, so I can post it, too.

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