Monday, July 13, 2009

Black Cherry Bombshells' Creators Video Blog Road Trip To Comic Con

PHILADELPHIA, PA - On July 18th Tony Trov and Johnny Zito, award-nominated writers for Zuda Comics, set forth to find the American Dream on their way to San Diego Comic Con. The road trip will be documented in a series of daily, video blogs available at BlackCherryBombshells.blogspot.comThe video segments will feature giant balls of yarn, engine grilled hot dogs and NSFW truck stop shenanigans. Audiences can follow the bold adventure via Twitter (Zito & Trov) MySpace and Facebook as Tony and Johnny explore the fantastic possibilities of America."With planned stops in Vegas, LA and Graceland this is Manifest Destiny meets Fear and Loathing," say trailblazers Trov and Zito.
Those attending Comic Con are encouraged to hang out at the DC booth where the Black Cherry Bombshell writers will be giving away free Black Cherry Bombshells’ buttons.
Updates will begin on the 18th and continue through Comic Con at
The Black Cherry Bombshells can be read at

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Bi-Polar Bear

Don't have time for a proper review this am. But I want all of you to check out this webcomic - - funny as HELL! I'll do a complete review over the weekend, but I want you to be able to get a jump on it.

Happy Reading!

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Okay, all of my regular readers know that I'm not really into sci fi or epic comics. But, I do love hearing from their artists and writers and I love checking them out.
Well, I got word about one called ManMachine and it is an awesome comic.
I didn't get to read as much of it as I wanted, but I wanted to pass it on to all of you ASAP!
Now, as you may or may not know, my personal laptop with the 17" screen died a while ago and I'm doing everything now on a little ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Blue Netbook nice PC, but it makes viewing websites such as ManMachine's hard to read.
Anyway, the artwork is unbelieveable and the side sliding of the comic, at least to me, is totally amazing.
Take the time to check out ManMachine.
Happy Reading!

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Our New Home

I'm hoping that this post works and you'll be viewing it on the new site, but there's some issues, so you might just see a blank page.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Gentle Readers

I'll bet you've been wondering where I've been. We had a death in the family and I just stopped reading online comics. My heart just wasn't in it.
But, I'm back and this time, I have a plan. First, I'm going to go through all my old emails to see which comics to read next and second, I'll be moving this blog to share webspace with my political blog. I think it'll serve both of us well in the long run.
I'll be exporting the blog over the next several days and I'll post an announcement when I truly move everything.
Happy Reading
